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Pharmacy U news

  • Exit planning: the basics for pharmacists

    Most pharmacist-owners are more concerned with running their businesses than with planning how to get out of them. Yet inevitably, the day will come when you realize it is time to turn the equity in your pharmacy into capital.
    Mike Jaczko and Max Beairsto
  • 3 key tips to help you become a more intuitive, customer-focused pharmacist

    On the surface, for many pharmacists meeting a customer’s needs might mean filling an Rx accurately with the appropriate counselling, but the more important benefit is not necessarily the patient’s stated purpose.
    patient service
  • No longer invisible: shifting from do-er to thinker as a pharmacist

    In any given hour the always accessible, no-appointment needed, world’s number one trusted health care provider has phones ringing, patients in the aisles looking for recommendations, patients waiting in the counselling room for vaccines, deliveries arriving.
    Jason Chenard
  • Google versus the pharmacist

    The greatest threat to pharmacy practice today is in pharmacists maintaining their relevancy to both patients and payers. While we are becoming less necessary for technical work and checking prescriptions, our other role as “counselling” on medications can also easily become obsolete.
    Google key
  • How to see your pharmacy through the Leadership Lens

    Do you have a Leadership Lens? Do you look at things with a leader’s perspective? Do you look at situations and assess the ways you can help someone get from where they are to another place? If you do not, do not be discouraged. You are not alone.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • The mouth speaks: Ask your patients about their oral health

    The mouth is literally a viral factory, and it is the gateway to the rest of the body. Indeed, gum disease, otherwise known as periodontitis, has now been shown to be a better predictor of COVID-19 severity than a patient's age. This is HUGE.
    Lindsay Dixon and oral health
  • Pharmacists are like camels but they can't 'hold it' forever

    Yes, without genuine washroom breaks it’s true that pharmacists can hold water like camels, but there is a more important similarity: they can both carry significant loads on their backs.
    Jason Chenard
  • 6 tips to run a better pharmacy

    Running a successful pharmacy is not all fill and bill. There are many more factors that determine the health not only of your patients but of your overall business.
    pharmacy operations
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