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About us

Editorial goals

High standards for the quality and trustworthiness of the information and perspectives the Medical Post and Pharmacy Practice+ Business provide on their online home,, to our audience are fundamental to our success.

The consistent key goals for all of our editorial content is to be independent, fair and accurate. We aim to provide high-value information from knowledgeable expert sources that help our audiences make the best possible professional decisions.

In addition, our editorial teams leverage the collective brainpower and influence of our physician and pharmacist advisory boards: made up of industry insiders and thought leaders to inform its reporting and editorial planning.

Sourcing Transparency: Any information we publish that has not been created by the CanadianHealthcareNetwork team is attributed to the source from which it was derived. Any content paid for by an advertiser is clearly labeled as “sponsored content.” Any content that is editorially independent but created with the help of specific funding from an advertiser may be labeled “sponsored by” or “presented by.”

Accountability: We make every effort to verify and fact check the information we publish. If you believe something we publish is inaccurate, please notify Pharmacy Practice+ Business editor Vicki Wood via [email protected] or Medical Post Editor-in-Chief Colin Leslie via [email protected]. Any errors will be corrected as soon as possible.

Mission statements

Pharmacy Practice + Business: Inspiring Canadian pharmacists to be their best—in practice and in business

Pharmacy Practice + Business is the one-stop pharmacy magazine for Canadian pharmacists and pharmacy owners.

It’s our mission to inspire our audience to make the most of their emerging role as primary healthcare providers, while also informing them of the latest clinical and practice news. Each issue offers practical, easy-to-implement ideas to help pharmacists feel engaged in their practice, and pharmacy owners to run a successful pharmacy centred around better patient care and customer service.

All clinical content in Pharmacy Practice + Business is pharmacist-selected, written and reviewed, ensuring that articles and columns meet the current information needs of practicing Canadian pharmacists. All business-focused content is written by experts in pharmacy, retail and management who have first-hand knowledge of the challenges of running a successful business based on healthcare first.

The Medical Post: The independent voice for Canada's doctors since 1965

The Medical Post is the independent magazine and online information source for Canada's doctors, with a decades-long tradition of providing practice management, physician views, fee and malpractice news, and other coverage of high interest and importance to doctors in their professional lives.

The Medical Post's mission is to help and inform doctors. We do that uniquely by being an independent media not connected to a medical association. We talk bluntly about issues important to the physician community in Canada. That's why the tagline on the front of every print issue was, and will continue to be: "The independent voice for Canada's doctors since 1965."

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