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Canadian Healthcare Network advisory boards

  • Pharmacy Practice + Business

    Sandra Aylward is a veteran Nova Scotia pharmacist/consultant specializing in health technology and expanding pharmacy scope of practice. Sandra held leadership positions at Lawtons/Sobeys for many years, has been an active leader with PANS, the N.S. College of Pharmacists, NAPRA and CACDS (now Neighbourhood Pharmacy Association of Canada).

    Naushin Hooda is a young practitioner, dually licensed in Ontario and British Columbia, who specializes in medication safety and infectious disease in oncology. Naushin, a well-known presence on social media, was the recipient of the Ontario Pharmacists Association Student of Distinction Award and now hosts the Flip the Script vodcast on our online home: Canadian Healthcare Network (CHN). (@thisisnaushin)

    Ian Lloyd is a community pharmacist at Heart Pharmacy in Victoria, B.C. with a passion for holistic health, alternative medicines and medication management. He writes about natural health products and supplements for CHN.

    Kara O’Keefe is a second generation community pharmacist who works as the only pharmacist on a small island community in Newfoundland. Kara is very vocal about the role pharmacists can and should play in patient health and an advocate for appropriate education for consumers to deter health misinformation. (@kara_okeefe)

    Barret Procyshyn is a pharmacist owner of Dauphin Clinic Pharmacy in Dauphin, Manitoba, who specializes in medication management and expanded services. (@familypharmer)

    Tim Smith is a Winnipeg-based pharmacist and co-founder of Simplicity Wellness, Manitoba's first clinical practice pharmacy. He is licensed to practice in four provinces and territories and has spent much of his career working in, with, and for Indigenous communities. He is a passionate advocate for the increased role pharmacists must play in improving our healthcare system and strongly believes in social and economic equity for all Canadians. (@timsmithrx)

    Andrew Tu is a pharmacy student/intern currently in placement rotations. Was CAPSI journal editor in 2020.

    Kristen Watt is the pharmacist owner of Kristen’s Pharmacy in Southampton, Ontario, well-known on social media, often on TV and radio speaking on behalf of pharmacy. (@pharmacistmama)

    Bruce Winston is president of APEX-Sandstone pharmacies which operates 20 community pharmacies in Alberta, and current president of the Alberta Pharmacists’ Association. (@sandstoneAB).

  • The Medical Post

    Dr. Alykhan Abdulla is a family physician in Ottawa, medical director of the Kingsway Health Centre, and an assistant professor at the University of Ottawa faculty of medicine.

    Dr. Benjamin Barankin is a dermatologist, medical director and founder of Toronto Dermatology Centre.

    Dr. Melanie Bechard is a pediatric emergency physician at CHEO in Ottawa and chair of Canadian Doctors for Medicare.

    Dr. Ali Damji is a family doctor in Mississauga, Ont. at the Credit Valley Family Health Team. He also works part-time as an addiction medicine physician at Halton Mississauga RAAM Clinic.

    Dr. Mario Elia is a London, Ont. family physician.

    Dr. Ferrukh Faruqui is a family doctor who teaches in the department of family medicine at the University of Ottawa.

    Dr. Sarah Giles is an Ontario rural family/ER physician.

    Dr. Courtney Howard is an emergency physician in Yellowknife.

    Dr. Alan Kaplan is a family physician practicing in Richmond Hill, Ont. and chairperson of the Family Physician Airways Group of Canada.

    Dr. Christine Nicholas is a plastic surgeon at Milton District Hospital in Ontario, specializing in breast reconstruction and melanoma.

    Dr. Bridget Reidy is a solo family doctor near Victoria, doing mostly geriatrics. Trained for rural medicine, she has done several years each of ER, Indigenous health, house calls and palliative medicine.

    Dr. Franco Rizzuti is a preventive medicine resident in Calgary.

    Dr. Duncan Rozario  is chief of surgery at Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital in Ontario.

    Dr. David Satok is a Toronto doctor and VP and Chief Medical Officer for Rogers Communications Inc.

    Dr. Puneet Seth is a family physician in Toronto and digital health entrepreneur and educator, who has spent the last 10 years driving patient and data centric transformation in healthcare.

    Dr. Mike Simon is a family physician in Saint John, N.B. and past-president of the New Brunswick Family Physicians and Saint John Medical Society. He is a preceptor for Memorial and Dalhousie Medical School.

    Dr. Christopher Sun is a physician with the Crosstown Family Health Team in Toronto.

    Dr. Hirotaka Yamashiro is a community based comprehensive care pediatrician in Toronto and a long time pediatric leader in Ontario. He is currently serving as a board director at the Ontario Medical Association.

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