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Pharmacy U news

  • 3 ways your pharmacy can fail

    Pharmacy is a little like jumping out of an airplane. It takes bravery, practice, training and most of all, a parachute. While the primary parachute is obvious, there is another essential need before jumping out of the plane: the back-up chute.
  • 4 Pharmacy U Vancouver sessions you won't want to miss

    Popular Pharmacy U presenter Mike Boivin returns to Vancouver on November 4, 2023 with a thought-provoking and enjoyable lineup of sessions that will leave you with ideas and actions to improve your pharmacy practice.
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  • Pushing your pharmacy stress threshold is good for you!

    Gone are the days of a "druggist" using leeches or being the only druggist in town. Gone are the product-driven experts solely paid for dispensing. Pharmacists have stretched the limits of their horizons before us and now it is our turn. It’s time to prescribe!
    catching a wave
  • Is COVID-19 still a threat?

    The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped our lives, societies, and the world at large. As the pandemic continues to evolve, there is a growing need for updated information on its trajectory and the measures in place to control it. In this exclusive interview, we sit down with renowned epidemiologist Dr. Raywat Deonandan from the University of Ottawa to discuss the ongoing pandemic and crucial topics related to COVID-19.
    Lindsay Dixon
  • Why pharmacists should avoid cutting their own lawn

    Some bets in life are simple once you wrap your mind around them. For years, my wife and I resisted paying someone to cut our lawn. Despite the insane schedule that comes with being connected to a few pharmacies, triathlon training and everything that two children brought our way, I was fixated on the cost of paying someone.
    lawn work
  • Which type of magnesium is best?

    I guarantee that your patients are looking for magnesium on your shelves right now, and I guarantee that they are confused. Have you ever wondered why there are so many different types of magnesium and which ones are better or worse when it comes to side effects?
  • Pharmacy U Vancouver presenter Mike Boivin: how to practise what you learn at pharmacy conferences

    All too often pharmacists pick continuing education topics based on availability and not on their learning needs or the demographics of their patients. If a pharmacist has a practice that predominantly serves older patients, learning should focus on skills and education tailored to this patient group.
    a group of people sitting at a table
  • The hope of healthcare – strategies for navigating risk, part 1

    As we consider pharmacists as the hope of healthcare, we must be open to and aware of the need for change and the risk associated with it. Today, we will take a look at a few strategies you can consider to help you navigate risk.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
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