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Pharmacy U news

  • What if you hire the wrong people in your pharmacy?

    Once we invest (or waste) time doing (or not doing) something, we do not get it back. Staffing your pharmacy is much the same, since time spent recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, training and support a new employee will never be given back. Thus, bringing on the wrong person comes with significant costs.
  • The hope of healthcare, Part 8 – Skills that increase or decrease in value

    When I began my career as an intern, the stories were still common about preparing prescription labels on typewriters. Yes, you read that right. That was the prevailing technology at one time. When printers came along, all sorts of things changed. And for the better. However, if you were a pharmacy that did not improve your technical skill and adopt the printer over the typewriter, you would quickly find yourself at a disadvantage in the care you could provide patients.
    a man wearing a suit and tie smiling and looking at the camera
  • A few simple marketing questions pharmacists should ask themselves

    Marketing can seem like large feat when you aren’t sure where to start. There are a number different tools and strategies you can utilize to market what you are looking to share but what is the right strategy for you. How do you want to approach marketing in your practice?
  • The unfortunate truth: every pharmacy staff member is replaceable

    This sounds harsh, but it often goes unrecognized so here it is straight: no matter what your pharmacy role is, you are replaceable. While you may not imagine that someone else is capable of taking over your job, there is. If you think your exit from your pharmacy will result in its closing, you are wrong.
    pharmacy staff
  • Turn around bad pharmacy reviews

    Pharmacists are known for eliciting positive reviews from patients and the public, who increasingly view their services as indispensable. But even pharmacists are not immune from bad online reviews.
    Bad reviews
  • Accepting bad news in your pharmacy

    Bad news is confrontational. We hesitate to disrupt homeostasis because we are afraid of the negative emotions it will cause others and ourselves. The imagined response in anticipation of our inflammatory reaction makes others procrastinate. What if there were a way to force bad news from coming out before it is too late?
    Jason Chenard
  • Using life insurance in your pharmacy estate planning

    Life insurance is often used as a solution to problems and needs identified in the estate planning process. Here we three estate planning strategies pharmacy business owners should consider that include life insurance: estate preservation; estate equalization; and business succession planning.
    Mike Jaczko and Max Beairsto
  • Is your pharmacy staff high maintenance?

    Do you have a friend with repeated car problems or perhaps own a car like this yourself? That car ends up costing you time and money repeatedly and the frustration has you thinking about a new vehicle. That car is high maintenance. In thinking about your pharmacy team, do you have high maintenance staff members?
    Pharmacy staff
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