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Leadership in Pharmacy


  • 10/12/2022

    Pharmacy leadership and the riddle of the 3 frogs on a log

    Often, when we start to think about how things can improve, we quickly jump to external sources and resources and become discouraged because we may not have much, if any, control over those resources.
  • 10/6/2022

    Planting the seeds of pharmacy starts from the inside out

    Think about this: when we each of us entered pharmacy school or began working in a pharmacy, we knew very little. Then through a steady diet of intentionally learning the various aspects of pharmacy practice, we grew and became more confident and competent in the care we provide.
  • 9/28/2022

    Carrots, eggs, coffee...and pharmacy

    A couple weeks ago, I was scrolling through LinkedIn and one of my colleagues had shared a post about carrots and eggs. The point of the post was that if you put a carrot and an egg into boiling water, over time the boiling water makes the carrot soft while the egg becomes hard.
  • 9/21/2022

    How to make a better mousetrap (the Law of Complexity)

    Something that captured my professional imagination many years ago was the idea of measuring quality in the pharmacy industry. How do we know if medications are being used appropriately?
  • 9/14/2022

    Hairstyle, lifestyle, and workstyle – pharmacy style

    If you have ever seen a late-night infomercial on television, you may have encountered a product that was so amazing and so easy to use that all you had to do was “set it and forget it.” While that phrase may sell product in late night infomercials, it most definitely does not apply to the pharmacies.
  • 9/7/2022

    Lifestyle modifications and medication adherence

    Many people, including myself, believed at one point that patients were very much like a cup. The education provided would be like the liquid filling up the cup. Once the cup got filled to a certain level, like a switch, the patient would begin to do everything correctly.
  • 8/31/2022

    When is the best time to "plant trees" in pharmacy?

    Pharmacists face leadership challenges from every angle. Staff, customers, prescribers, vendors, and you cannot overlook family. Pharmacists are challenged to lead all these groups (and others) and they all have different requirements.
  • 8/24/2022

    Timing is everything in pharmacy leadership

    Early in my career, I recall a man coming into the pharmacy who had just been diagnosed with high blood pressure. He presented his prescription and asked me how long he would likely have to take this medication.
  • 8/17/2022

    Timing is everything in pharmacy leadership

    Timing is key for effective pharmacy leadership. Learning when to lead is as important as where to lead. Think of some times when your leadership timing wasn’t right. There are many lessons that can learned by studying the ideal timing of action.
  • 8/10/2022

    Pharmacy leaders – there's value in the pivot

    How many treatment algorithms have you seen changed over the course of your career? Several! And you know what? We will likely see some more in the coming years. Why did these changes happen? They happened because we realized there was a better destination we could take our patients to, and we changed the way we treated them as a result.
  • 8/3/2022

    For pharmacists, it's not just where you are going…

    If we want to get to a better place, we need to define the place and lead the team there. Will it be easy? No, it will be difficult. And probably more difficult than you thought to begin with. But it will be rewarding. You will see your team come together in wonderful ways to advance to that goal.
  • 7/27/2022

    Pharmacy leadership limits can be good!

    Over the last couple articles, we have looked generally at the limitations we have as leaders. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It is simply a fact of life. We all have limits. Today, we are going to look at how limits can be good.
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