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You're HIRED! Getting ahead of pharmacy staffing

While many pharmacy owners are looking to scale back, automate, or even eliminate the need for employees, other pharmacy owners are still facing the hiring challenge, even as the pandemic emergency has lifted.
Pharmacy staff

Not so fast! These words assume there is a rich pool of capable, willing, hard-working, affordable – never mind experienced – people to hire for a variety of positions, both behind and in front of the counter. Alas, in the labour-intensive pharmacy world, this is definitely not always the case.

According to the Canadian Pharmacists Association: "Pharmacies are struggling with staff shortages, staff exposure to COVID-19, administrative overload, as well as testing and PPE access issues. Pharmacy professionals require more support from all levels of government to continue to serve their communities and keep themselves and their patients safe and healthy."

The healthcare sector was hit particularly hard in the pandemic. Over 20% of Canadian job vacancies were in health care and social assistance in November 2020, more than any other industry, according to Statistics Canada.

While many pharmacy owners are looking to scale back, automate, or even eliminate the need for employees, other pharmacy owners are still facing the hiring challenge, even as the pandemic emergency has lifted.

Hiring innovation is key

Savvy pharmacy owners are turning to more innovative ways to find and retain talent. Gone are the days of the paper résumé and laborious interview process, often replaced by short candidate videos and online content through social media so an employer can get an impression within two minutes of whether or not a candidate is worth an interview. While pharmacy may never completely get away from an interview protocol where employers check out a candidate's deportment, verbal and non-verbal communications skills, "attitude," and appearance, there are signs that the hiring process itself is changing.

Think speed dating

Some innovative employers are going the route of hiring parties – networking opportunities for the industry. With these speed dating events, prospective employers stage their version of a culinary cattle call to attract not just good staffers but a larger pool of prospective employees.

Use social media

Facebook remains a more viable business tool for reaching a wider audience than a job board alone. Instagram has also become a popular and visual (think colourful graphics) way to recruit, especially younger applicants, for job openings.

Digital banner ads, posted on a variety of websites and online publications, can also effectively spread awareness of job openings.

Make tech your friend

One pharmacy in North Vancouver, Miracle Prescriptions, turned to innovative techniques to face their hiring problems. Owners Arash Pourzare  and his wife, Behnaz Alijani, invested in automation equipment to speed up the processing of prescriptions. What used to take staff days to fulfill can now be handled in a matter of hours.

Consider friends with benefits

Pharmacy, of course, isn't the only sector feeling the staffing heat. McDonald's Canada, working with ad agency Cossette, launched an innovative campaign, called Friends Wanted, where interested friends were encouraged to apply together, get hired together, and work together. This approach is especially appealing to younger workers for whom yours may be their first job. Not only do you hire for open positions, but you attract future potential employees at the same time.

Hosting "friend parties" is not just for foodservice – it could work for pharmacy too.

Cast a wider net

Always looking only at a younger demographic, maybe straight out of pharmacy school, to fill positions? There's a wider world of potential employees to consider. Many retirees, still vital, not as focused on money, and willing to work flexible hours, make loyal additions. In addition, hiring people with disabilities can expand your staff pool.

However you approach your hiring needs, flexibility is the name of the game – not only in whom you hire but just as important, in how you hire.

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