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Where Art Meets Medicine


  • 11/28/2022

    Was bigger always better?

    I recently stumbled upon a research paper: “Depictions of penises in historical paintings reflect changing perceptions of the ideal penis size” I love to write fiction, but honestly, it would be hard to make this stuff up. Spoiler alert, the paper has a predictable climax. 
  • 11/16/2022

    Does in-person CME have a future?

    The in-person registration for this year's Family Medicine Forum didn't come close to pre-pandemic participation levels. Is in-person CME going to be able to evolve with the times?
  • 11/4/2022

    Pain and suffering or happiness and bliss: Can you choose?

    I have known many patients over the years with very significant chronic illnesses and disabilities who seem quite oblivious to them.
  • 10/7/2022

    Just an MD giving thanks

    It's not difficult for physicians to have a bad attitude about the challenges we face as practitioners today. But I'm looking to maintain my glass-half-full energy.
  • 10/3/2022

    The art of the chart: 10 tips that help me never chart at home

    I am a very busy physician who is fully booked on clinic days. My last patient is booked at 4:45 p.m. and I rarely leave after 5:30 p.m. I leave with all my charting done.
  • 9/6/2022

    Is alcohol the new cigarette?

    New research designed to update Canada’s drinking guideline has discovered that there are no health benefits, only dangers from alcohol. Well that’s a sobering statement! 
  • 8/30/2022

    Your dream MD vanity plate

    Dr. Ted Jablonski has three vanity plates of his own, and has many suggestions for different specialties of MD who might want to add a little humour to their daily commute.
  • 8/8/2022

    What's the perfect MD age and profile?

    I was a mere 27 years old when I started in private practice. This sounds like a bygone era.
  • 7/26/2022

    What’s so wrong with e-bikes?

    For the traditional cycling enthusiast, the proliferation of e-bikes may induce a roll of the eyes. But, Dr. Ted Jablonski says that when it comes to healthier lifestyle choices, it's important for docs not to let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
  • 7/19/2022

    My personal tale of a traumatic ER visit

    When a doctor is a patient, they aren't some special class of patient.
  • 7/8/2022

    My chat with Dr. Well-Thee: Hot financial tips for docs in 2022

    I have a financially savvy physician friend and mentor with whom I recently had the chance to char about building and maintaining wealth as a doctor.
  • 6/22/2022

    The joy of running

    I only found out that I had exercise asthma when I was in medical school and my athletic career suddenly made perfect sense. Put me on a hockey rink or in a cross-country race in the fall and I’m pathetically short of breath, tight chested and coughing to the point of vomiting for hours.
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