7/18/2023 I have had the great fortune to work in both hospital and community pharmacy, but the latter provides a very special perk.
6/16/2023 Last year I volunteered to undergo a practice assessment in community pharmacy and it left me feeling re-energized!
5/17/2023 Errors happen, but we can’t be afraid to speak up—or take offence when someone else does.
4/24/2023 If we want to improve patient safety, we need to find time to report medication incidents.
3/28/2023 If her students are any indication, Sarah-Lynn Dunlop has high hopes for inter-professional healthcare teams of the future.
2/27/2023 Respect and trust are key to a pharmacist/pharmacy tech collaboration that works, says Sarah-Lynn Dunlop.
2/6/2023 Even as regulated healthcare professionals, Sarah-Lynn questions why pharmacy technicians face mistrust from the pharmacy team.
1/16/2023 New Year resolutions hold a negative connotation, but goals Sarah-Lynn Dunlop can get on board with.