Lyme disease: exposure risk increasingNew evidence suggests that the risk of exposure to Lyme disease in eastern and central Canada in increasing. U.K. drug chain offers pharmacist-prescribed ViagraMen across the U.K. who wish to try Viagra for erectile dysfunction can now head straight to a Boots pharmacy. Pseudoephedrine could go Rx in California California bill would designate allergy products containing pseudoephedrine as prescription drugs. Groundbreaking new program targets wellness at school At My Best, a nation-wide children's wellness initiative, aims to counter childhood obesity. Program targets wellness at school Directed at children up to Grade 3 Saskatchewan to research patient adherence issues A new initiative at the University of Saskatchewan's College of Pharmacy and Nutrition is expected to boost research into ways to improve patient medication adherence. Manitoba opens addictions facility Prevention initiatives also underway in north Centre de santé opens in Fredericton Connects caregivers with francophone population Collaborative care teams earn Health Council approval Should be standard of care for chronic conditions Bill requires MD complaints be made public First Previous 2148 2149 2150 2151 2152 Next Last