Blood tests for Alzheimer’s may be coming to your doctor's office. Here's what to knowNew blood tests could help doctors diagnose Alzheimer’s disease faster and more accurately, researchers reported Sunday—but some appear to work far better than others. QUIZ: How much do you know about hydration?Do you know which of your patients need to pay most attention to proper hydration? QUIZ: Test your knowledge of nutrition and the mind The contents of your patients’ diet may be the next frontier in mental health. See how much you know about nutritional psychiatry. McGill-led study uncovers possible drug treatment for anorexia nervosa A ‘controversial’ drug designed to treat dementia is showing promising results as a potential option for eating disorder patients. Migraine prevention should include CGRP-targeting therapies as first-line agents Prior failure of other migraine preventive treatments should not be required before using CGRP-targeting therapies for migraine prevention. QUIZ: How much do you know about transient ischemic attacks? Test your knowledge of the assessment and management of TIAs. ALS drug Albrioza to be voluntarily withdrawn from the market in Canada Phase 3 PHOENIX trial showed no significant benefit from Albrioza (sodium phenylbutyrate/ursodoxicoltaurine) compared to placebo. Understanding the interplay of menopausal hormone therapy and dementia For women under the age of 65 years, especially those under the age of 55 years, there appears to be no increased risk of dementia with MHT. Researchers find a single, surprising gene behind a disorder that causes intellectual disability Those with the condition have a constellation of issues, which also include short stature, small heads, seizures and low muscle mass. This is your brain on belief: How you feel about a drug may influence its effects on your brain Participants’ beliefs about the strength of nicotine they consumed influenced their brain activity, the study showed. First Previous 2 3 4 5 6 Next Last