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Leadership in Pharmacy


  • 10/27/2021

    Are you battling burnout?

    A topic that is coming up all the more often is burnout. As leaders, we cannot ignore it. We may even be going through burnout ourselves. As we continue this thread of leading in difficult times, let's take a few minutes to begin to wrap our arms around this subject.
  • 10/20/2021

    Game on! Get ready to compete in the infinite game of pharmacy

    Ah, games. Games can be fun, but they can also be frustrating. They can be frustrating when you do not know the rules.
  • 10/13/2021

    Get ready to stretch like a rubberband

    This is the magic of the rubber band. It only works when it is stretched! Its real value is realized when it is stretched. And you know what? The same is true for you and me. We provide more value and we become more valuable when we are stretched, just like a rubber band!
  • 10/6/2021

    Think outside the pharmacy box

    So far, during my pharmacy career, I have had the privilege and honour to work in about 30 different pharmacies, visit hundreds more, and speak with thousands of pharmacists at various meetings and conferences. One thing I often run into is a resistance to change.
  • 9/29/2021

    Handwashing 102. It's time to come clean

    What can we learn about leadership with handwashing, especially in challenging times? There is a very important principle that we must be sure not to overlook. It goes something like this: when you use your right hand to wash your left hand, your right hand gets clean in the process.
  • 9/22/2021

    In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity

    As the pandemic began in the spring of 2020, there were many pharmacies facing adversity. To some it was increased volume, while others faced decreased volume. Some faced staffing challenges.
  • 9/15/2021

    Leading in pandemic times

    Leadership is a big topic in most situations, but then throw in some uncertain times, like a pandemic, and there are a couple lessons to learn.
  • 9/8/2021

    What – who? – are your most valuable assets?

    Your most valuable asset is your TEAM! In my career, I have dispensed in over two dozen pharmacies. As such, I have had the privilege of working with many different teams. I can tell you that I did not always look at my team as an asset. In some cases, I actually looked at my team as a liability.
  • 8/31/2021

    Greener grass comes from good watering

    Perhaps your experience since the beginning of the pandemic has you thinking that the grass may be greener somewhere else. Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.
  • 8/26/2021

    What leadership is definitely NOT

    Today, we are going to address something that often confuses people about leadership. That something is management! Is management leadership?
  • 8/19/2021

    Do you know the Forbidden Phrase of Leadership?

    Today, I want to tune your radar to the forbidden phrase of leadership. As leaders, we must be on guard against this phrase and if we hear it, we must take swift action.
  • 8/12/2021

    Things don’t just happen; they happen just...!

    Things don’t just happen; things happen just. This is the principle of intentionality. We must be intentional with the people we lead because things don’t just happen.
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