Sex with patient yields suspension for Edmonton FP Timing was everything in inadvertant delay in careIn the case of a brain aneurysm, a mistake leading to a late brain scan actually caught the rupture and sped up access to surgery Lawsuit a reminder to be certain of informed consent Elderly patient unsuccessfully sued ophthalmologist for injection to her eye after she did not hear him explain timing of procedure Vegetative patient dispute forces rethink of term ‘treatment’ Ont. courts rule ‘pulling the plug’ constitutes ‘treatment’ and therefore requires consent Batteries, eggs … and a medical checkup? Medical clinics spring up in Walmart stores in four provinces ‘Respectable minority principle’ not always a valid defence Doctor missed PKU diagnosis after ordering third Guthrie test instead of a full diagnostic Jury verdicts in malpractice cases hard to overturn Appeal court agrees MD not guilty after bowel nicked in tubal ligation, resulting in septic shock, brain damage, amputations Midlife crisis or mania? Man’s bipolar disorder was undiagnosed, but psychiatrist was not at fault since patient did not disclose his wild behaviour Resident involvement in care usually covered in consent form In case that underscores the need for hands-on training, perforation of patient’s omentum was not due to negligence Doctors not hushing up to protect each other in lawsuits Ontario judge dismisses notion that a ‘conspiracy of silence’ prevented psychiatric patient from finding expert witness First Previous 11 12 13 Next Last