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How can pharmacists achieve "next level leadership"?

In the context of leadership growth, the next level is the act of contributing what you are learning to someone else. It is helping others around you become better leaders. It is building your bench of competent and confident leaders.


As we have met in this column over the last few weeks, we have been looking at the principles that we can leverage to engage our growth as leaders. These principles may not be exceptionally glamorous at face value, but when they are put together, they can quickly and radically drive your growth as a leader. 

As I was going through pharmacy school, my grandfather was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. What seemed more than coincidental at the time was that I was just learning about CHF in class. What echoed in my head at the time was a statistic that said some high percentage of patients would be dead within five years after diagnosis. 

I cannot tell you what that exact statistic was back then, but I can tell you that I knew my grandfather’s days were numbered. My grandfather was an exception. He sailed right on by the life expectancy in the statistic I was taught. I can recall speaking with his physician several years later, after my grandfather had passed, and I shared a version of this story with him. I thanked the physician for the care he provided my grandfather. The physician’s response was that there was no magic in the care he provided, only a few simple strategies with a few basic drugs that, when applied correctly and consistently, can work wonders.

He was right.

The truth in his advice – a few simple strategies applied correctly and consistently can work wonders – applies to practically every part of our lives. In fact, I would be hard pressed to find an area where that advice doesn’t apply. 

When we consider the three areas of leadership growth we have looked at over the last few weeks, we find the application of this advice for our leadership skills. 

I have shared before that these three principles will separate you from 95% of your colleagues. 

But what will take your leadership to the next level? 

The fourth principle of leadership growth will do that. This is the principle of contribution. 

Now you may be wondering what I mean by "contribution." So, allow me to unpack this concept. In the context of leadership growth, the next level is the act of contributing what you are learning to someone else. It is helping others around you become better leaders. It is building your bench of competent and confident leaders.

This concept was counterintuitive to me at first. Why would I want to help others become better leaders? Perhaps the biggest reason is that there is another major challenge coming down the road that is going to require the best leadership you know how to give. Now imagine that you have other strong leaders around you to help navigate this challenge. Would you not be more optimistic about facing this challenge?  Of course, you would! 

Now allow me to clarify. I am not speaking about the principle of replication. While this principle can have great value, when it comes to leadership, it can be quite risky. 

Let’s say that I have two other leaders supporting me and they think the exact same way I do. What could possibly go wrong? The correct answer is ... everything!  Everything could go wrong. 

Join me next week to find out how to contribute and make a difference.

Until next time

Jesse McCullough, PharmD

Connect with Jesse on LinkedIn




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