Why deeming patients ‘socially admitted’ may be detrimental to their outcomesCertain labels given to patients who present to ERs, often without acute issues to address, can lead to a ‘downgrading’ of care. Older adults’ brains ‘rewarded’ by music they don’t even like, B.C. researcher findsSarah Faber said her work on how healthy brains respond to music as they age creates a baseline for future research on people who have Alzheimer’s or dementia to better understand those diseases. Missed opportunity: Doctors should do more to help older patients with fractures avoid them in future Fractures sharply increase mortality risks in older patients—and once they have one, the risk of a second fracture soon after also rises. Don’t dismiss the usefulness of osteoporosis medication after age 70: study Starting antihypertensives increases fracture risk in older nursing home residents Caution and additional monitoring are advised when initiating antihypertensive medication in this vulnerable population. Seniors getting specialized emergency care It’s time for it—and Toronto’s University Health Network is leading the way. The loneliness epidemic: New guidelines to help care for seniors with loneliness or social isolation Seventeen new recommendations from the Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health. Study examines the safety of COVID-19 XBB.1.5 vaccines in older adults Denmark study finds no increased risk of 28 adverse events following vaccination with a monovalent XBB.1.5-containing vaccine given as a fifth dose to adults 65 years or older. How much does physical activity impact cognitive decline in older adults? Study suggests associations may be weak, but still worth encouraging activity. Optimizing medications and reducing polypharmacy through medication reviews The European iSIMPATHY project proves the value of a seven steps approach to medication reviews, enabling pharmacists to manage polypharmacy. First Previous 3 4 5 6 7 Next Last