Our patients look up to us as trusted healthcare professionals for evidence-based, unbiased advice. This lesson will enable you to recognize and engage with women suffering in silence with menopause symptoms. You will be able to empower your patients with information about safe and effective treatment options and help them understand they do not need to continue suffering with these symptoms.
This course is accredited by CCCEP for 1.5 CEUs; course number CCCEP #1329-2024-3842-I-P
Learning Objectives
- Recognize the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause and their effect on overall health
- Summarize the latest recommendations for vasomotor symptom relief, and the benefits
and risks of hormonal and non-hormonal options - Describe common misconceptions associated with menopausal symptoms and provide evidence-based advice to patients and prescribers
- Determine the pharmacist’s role in advising patients deciding on approaches to menopausal symptom management
Course Author: Dragana Skokovic-Sunjic