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  • Silver linings 2020

    Several months into the shutdown, my son forwarded something he saw on the internet that summed the year up perfectly. Loosely translated it said, “to whoever started playing Jumanji in January, please finish your turn.” Despite all the dysthymia and disappointment, I believe there are two silver linings hidden in 2020 that we haven’t fully appreciated.
  • Equality for persons with disabilities on the line in new assisted dying legislation

    Bill C7 will amend our current medical assistance in dying (MAID) law by creating a separate pathway to assisted death for persons who are not dying and may have decades still to live, provided such persons have some form of disabling medical condition. Why only us?
  • Dangers of a sedentary COVID-19 lockdown

    Inactivity can take a toll on health in just two weeks, new studies show. Here's how to help patients
  • Triple whammy

    My kids and I have a father and ex who refuses to willingly pay child support. We deal with a justice system that delivers an imperfect version of justice very, very slowly. And we have an enforcement agency that’s been made impotent by funding cuts. That's the triple whammy single parents face, floundering in the Canadian family legal quagmire. If this is hard for me, a professional in the upper echelons of society, imagine the mental strain our Canadian ‘system’ of upholding families and children puts on the single parent working as a PSW or at Tim Hortons.
  • How to get someone’s name right if it’s unfamiliar to you

    Physicians meet a lot of people – patients, colleagues, students. Some names might initially be difficult to pronounce. But getting it right goes a long way to build rapport.
  • Updated relief measures to support physicians and their practices

    As the pandemic continues to financially challenge businesses countrywide, the Government of Canada has recently announced extensions to existing programs as well as several additional support measures to help those who may be struggling. For a number of physicians across the country, these updates are particularly relevant.
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