11/21/2018 Pharmacy regulators too often neglect the well being of the professionals they're meant to regulate. Do we need to revisit the idea of self regulation?
10/31/2018 With pharmacists already stretched to the limit, I fear it might be time for more aggressive advocacy
10/15/2018 We've elevated marijuana to a position in our Canadian society that it simply doesn't deserve
9/24/2018 In 1954, a law was introduced to protect pharmacy from big business interests, but one of the clauses could have been responsible for the profession's current predicament
8/8/2018 Pharmacies are doing better than ever, but the pharmacist, on the other hand, isn't. How can that be?
6/25/2018 Pharmacists—whether they're landlords or tenants—are always expected to cater to the doctors in their medical complex
6/13/2018 No matter how dark the present situation may appear, the vitality & passion of youth can overcome many obstacles
5/14/2018 A previous blog on the topic generated a lot of discussion on the topic, so I did a little more research
4/23/2018 Because encroaching upon other healthcare professions may not be the soundest strategy for survival
4/16/2018 Automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, are all coming at once. How will this affect pharmacy?
4/4/2018 We often hear about the need for more professional collaboration between pharmacists and physicians. How realistic is this really, when pharmacists often position their raison d’être as to be second guessing a physician’s direction?
3/14/2018 In this era of increasing pressure on retail profits, pharmacists' services are viewed as one of the 'drug costs' that must be cut.