10/15/2024 Little is known yet about the potential interactions between psychedelics and prescription drugs, and what is out there so far is often contradictory.
5/3/2024 Vitamins for memory, probiotics for food allergies, magnesium for heart attack patients?
2/6/2024 The Governator has some pretty wise life advice for pharmacists—and anyone else, really—about how to turn our dreams into reality and be more effective.
1/7/2024 What are the intense temperatures of increasingly popular Nordic spas actually like—and what do they do for our health?
1/3/2024 Cold and flu season is here again, which naturally brings us questions about what is effective for prevention or treatment of this yearly affliction.
9/25/2023 We know for certain that exercise improves mood. But what about the pre-workout supplements athletes take?
4/23/2023 With close to 2 million followers, a French physician known on Instagram as “The Glucose Goddess” is raising awareness of the dangers of blood glucose spikes. Her method of communication may be untraditional, but how’s the science?
1/22/2023 Wait! I’m serious. I use this little device to save myself thousands of keystrokes every month, reducing repetitive hand strain and awkward typos.
1/5/2023 Some recent studies looked deeper into the potential beneficial health impacts of nutritional supplementation.
11/2/2022 A new study appears to confirm that one very specific formulation of echinacea helps with respiratory symptoms due to COVID-19. But will patients—and the media— read the fine print?
10/20/2022 Recent studies look for links between our gut and chronic diseases.
6/22/2022 I took a critical look at recent studies involving two of the most commonly-heralded nutritional supplements: Vitamin D and magnesium. Here's what I found.