Beware high heart rate Draw declared in off- versus on-pump CABG trialResults show no differences in one-year outcomes Clot-blocking implant improves safety Device intended as alternative to oral anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation Bust that clot! STEMI trial touts benefits of pre-hospital fibrinolysis Edarbi and Edarbyclor for hypertension Takeda Canada is introducing a new angiotensin II blocker (ARB) for the treatment of hypertension. Bystolic: new beta-blocker for hypertension Forest Laboratories will soon launch a new once-daily beta-blocker for the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension. Clarithromycin may increase risk of cardiovascular events Problem seems to occur when drug is used for the treatment of acute exacerbations of COPD or community acquired pneumonia. Kidney patients get bonus from LDL lowering Treatment helps maintain vascular access patency in hemodialysis Drug disappoints in chronic kidney disease Cinacalcet no better than placebo at reducing cardiovascular risk Atherosclerosis begins at birth Ultrasound finds aortic calcification in newborns First Previous 51 52 53 54 55 Next Last