No link between desloratadine use and QT prolongationSafety review fails to find evidence of abnormal heart rhythm related to the antihistamine New, costly cardiac tests no more effective than cheaper one: ICES Family doctors are doing too many ECGs, Ontario study concludes Researchers find that more than 20% of low-risk patients get the test as part of their health exam Wireless sensor to remotely monitor heart failure implanted for first time in Canada Implant transmits lung pressure data while patient is outside the hospital Wireless sensor to remotely monitor heart implanted for first time in Canada Drone beats ambulance for emergency calls Simulation suggests the automated craft could improve response times for cardiac arrest Long-term daily ASA use linked to higher-than-expected risk of bleeding in over 75s Authors conclude that proton-pump inhibitors should be co-prescribed in this age group Hypertension in the elderly: Improving blood pressure control in your older patients Blood pressure: How low should you go? Lowest possible is not necessarily optimal for high-risk patients Healthy arteries into your 70s? It’s possible—but not easy Less than 1% of people age 70 and older manage to maintain ‘young’ vasculature First Previous 31 32 33 34 35 Next Last