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Tim Wilson

Author Profile

Tim Wilson is principal of T Wilson Associates. Follow him on Twitter: @TimothyEWilson.


  • 1/16/2012

    Dragons speaking French, and other advancements in automated voice recognition

    Speech recognition has come a long way and the technology now works quite well. And it's a good thing—as we all know humans will waste a lot of time trying to de-bug a computer, but they don’t much like repeating themselves when speaking to a machine.
  • 1/9/2012

    Mobile vendors jockey for relevance in healthcare

    There was a lot of buzz last year about The Ottawa Hospital’s (TOH’s) decision to go with iPads. By mid-2011 TOH had almost 1,800 iPads across its three campuses. This came off of a successful pilot program with a mobile EMR application.
  • 1/3/2012

    Getting a fix on diagnostic errors

    The news out of Alberta is worrying, with errors in the interpretation of diagnostic imaging and pathology tests discovered in three different cities in less than two months.
  • 12/27/2011

    The many facets of data loss

    Discussions of IT security in healthcare usually centre on privacy concerns. However, a recent study by the Ponemon Institute, titled “2011 Benchmark Study on Patient Privacy and Data Security," shed light on the complexity of the data loss phenomenon.
  • 12/19/2011

    All aboard the research train

    As Canadians discuss the standard issues in the healthcare debate – rising costs, an aging population, poor access to doctors – we often ignore the silver lining: we are living longer, healthier lives. And a big part of that good news is increased activity in research and development, which should not only create economic activity and deliver health benefits, but also lower costs.
  • 12/13/2011

    The low-tech revolution is saving lives

    This blog likes to focus in technological innovation in healthcare, but when it comes to decreased mortality rates, it seems that good old best practices are the key to getting the improved results.
  • 12/5/2011

    It matters who owns the technology

    As the debate continues on how to transform Canada’s healthcare system – and how best to fund it – a recent study out of the United States suggests that a neutral ownership policy might be in the patient’s best interest.
  • 11/28/2011

    Technology at the centre of screening debate

    Screening for cancer makes intuitive sense, especially given the fact that our medical technology is becoming more effective at finding the early signs. However, the media and medical community have been abuzz of late over the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care’s guidelines recommending that women under 50 not have screening mammograms.
  • 11/21/2011

    In Canadian healthcare, privatization is infectious

    Canadian Standards Association document adds more pressure to move to a private care model.
  • 11/14/2011

    McKesson ups the ante with RelayHealth

    McKesson Canada’s announcement that it's launching RelayHealth, a new web-based service for communication between patients and healthcare providers, doesn’t come as a complete surprise. However, it does add a new ripple to the debate regarding to how best to navigate through the rising tide of electronic records.