- 11/27/2008
COLD-Fx to be used in leukemia patient study
The U.S. National Cancer Institute recently announced it's sponsoring a study focused on the cold and flu fighting potential of COLD-Fx in leukemia patients. - 11/27/2008
Calgary Co-op enters home health-care market
Calgary Co-operative Association Limited has made its first foray into the home health care market with the recent purchase of Home Health Care and Medical Supply Centre. - 11/27/2008
Pilot phase of MedsCheck Consult coming
Ontario Public Drug Programs is asking pharmacists to be part of a pilot project for the next phase of MedsCheck, which is expected to begin in January 2009. - 11/26/2008
Asthma overdiagnosed in adults
About one-third of adults with physician-diagnosed asthma do not have asthma, according to the results of a new study. - 11/25/2008
New Rexall pharmacy opens at Mount Sinai
Rexall officially opened a new pharmacy in Toronto's Mount Sinai Hospital in late October. - 11/24/2008
Coffee may impair levothyroxine absorption
Taking levothyroxine with coffee may impair its intestinal absorption, according to a recent report. - 11/24/2008
Vancouver methadone pharmacy licence suspended
The AYC Pharmacy on Vancouver's downtown East Hastings Street has had its pharmacy license suspended indefinitely following an investigation by the College of Pharmacists of B.C. - 11/20/2008
Research halted on rimonabant
Sanofi-Aventis has discontinued further development of rimonabant for all therapeutic indications. - 11/20/2008
Chronic kidney disease: new management guidelines
The Canadian Society of Nephrology has developed new guidelines for the management of chronic kidney disease (CKD). - 11/20/2008
TELUS invests $100 million in health-care unit
TELUS announced plans Tuesday, November 18th to invest $100 million over three years in its health technology arm, TELUS Health Solutions.