- 1/12/2009
Colonoscopy effectiveness has side bias
- 1/12/2009
IMMUNIZATION: Hepatitis B booster not needed for at least 10 years
Quebec study demonstrates long-lasting immune memory following vaccination - 1/12/2009
Confidentiality form revision wins NLMA approval
Eastern Health's first draft was too restrictive on ability to voice concerns, says president - 1/12/2009
Antidepressants help kids in prodromal phase of schizophrenia
Patients did not progress to schizophrenia and showed fewer compliance problems than those on antipsychotic medications - 1/12/2009
B.C.'s controversial three-visit rule
The B.C. college has upped the stakes for walk-in clinics when it comes to continuing patient care. Is this the solution to doctor shortages?