- 11/28/2021
Conflicts of interest
Having entire families as your patients can come with its challenges, but sometimes things get sinister. - 10/24/2021
What I learned at my mother's knee before, during and after abortion reform
"There is no such thing as no abortion. There is only safe and unsafe abortion." - 9/15/2021
Learning to see: portraits and patients
I'm not one of those physicians who knew I was destined to be a doctor. Unlike many of my friends and classmates, there were no doctors in my family. In fact, most of the women in my family were visual artists. - 8/24/2021
Dear politicians: Here's what doctors want
I am not a health economist or a policy expert, but a simple household and garden family doctor who has been working in the trenches for a long time. I do, however, have some ideas. - 8/11/2021
I'll walk you to your car
Now rapidly gentrifying with many fancy restaurants and condos, the neighborhood where I first began practise was a place where many of the inhabitants were on welfare and a good number involved in crime. - 7/11/2021
July: The joy and dread of new residents
So tonight, I wrestle with my anxieties, look forward to the joys of opening the real world of medicine for eager learners. Who are these new residents? Soon I will know because tomorrow the adventure begins - 6/10/2021
Pits and promise
The everyday aggravation of life in pandemic times feels like we’re all walking around with nerves exposed, as if a protective layer of resilience has rubbed off over the past year and a half. Yet, sometimes, something good happens. - 11/21/2020
Melanie: A portrait of patient progress
- 8/17/2020
A cookbook diagnosis
My first 'brilliant diagnosis' as a staff person I attribute solely to my habit of reading cookbooks