- 10/31/2024
Editorial: Changing winds, changing minds
We’re used to the inevitable pushback when physicians feel threatened by the growing responsibilities of other health professionals. But when a recent advocacy statement from the Ontario Medical Association hit our desks in late September, we were gobsmacked. - 10/22/2024
POLL: How is vaccine season going so far?
The government of British Columbia announced record-breaking uptake for flu and COVID-19 vaccines in pharmacies during the first week of the Fall 2024 launch. What's been your experience with vaccine demand in your pharmacy so far? - 9/10/2024
Showing up for the future we want
After years of lamenting (okay, let’s be honest—complaining about) any changes our local government makes that I don’t like, I recently went to my first community planning meeting. - 9/5/2024
Navigating the OTC aisles with older adults
When it comes to options for self-care and treatment of common ailments with nonprescription products, there is arguably no one who needs the guidance of a pharmacist more than the older patient. - 9/3/2024
Wound care and first aid simplified for pharmacists
Do you find yourself hesitating when presented with a patient needing your help with wound care? If so, you are not alone. Susie Jin is eager to share how she gained confidence in treating wounds in community pharmacy practice. - 8/25/2024
POLL: How will your pharmacy respond to the nicotine pouch changes?
Health Canada has ruled that as of this week, nicotine pouches (Zonnic) will only be allowed to be sold from behind the pharmacy counter. Similar to Schedule II drugs, only a pharmacist or a dispensary staff supervised by a pharmacist may sell the pouches. - 7/21/2024
POLL: The prevalence of PPNs
Contentions on preferred provider networks are back in the spotlight. What's your experience with them as a pharmacist? - 7/18/2024
UPDATED: Pharmacists: Your summer playlist is here!
Now with even more tunes! All the tunes on this eclectic Spotify playlist were suggested by you—our readers. It’s a work in progress, so please feel free to suggest your favourites! - 7/10/2024
Can’t stop, won’t stop—don’t stop
I have a soft spot for people who feel strongly about something they believe is right and important, and who refuse to give up the fight or be quiet about it. - 7/9/2024
POLL: Physicians trying to bill patients for admin relating to pharmacist-provided care
Kristen Watt wrote about receiving a letter from a local physician notifying pharmacies that patients would be billed for mandatory paperwork related to Limited Use forms, substitutions due to back-orders and reviewing MedsChecks forms.