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Young Leader in Pharmacy Arzu Moosvi: "The world of pharmacy generally has a very 'aha' feel."

The world of pharmacy generally has a very "aha" feel. We learn something new every day because the world of healthcare is dynamic. An 'aha' moment for me in particular was when I learned that pharmacy goes beyond the traditional paths of community and hospital.
Arzu Moosvi



I completed my Bachelors in Science in Psychology with a Life Science Concentration back in 2015 (now I'm beginning to sound old!). I took a year's break from my education and restarted in 2016 to begin my Doctorate in Pharmacy along with a Post-Baccalaureate Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management. I completed both degrees in 2020. All 3 degrees were obtained from Virginia Commonwealth University, in Richmond, VA.

Current role:

I currently work as a clinical outreach coordinator with Giant Pharmacy. Giant is located throughout the Delaware, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. areas.

What excites you about being a pharmacist? 

Being a pharmacist requires a constant level of manoeuvring aka 'change' and there is probably no better time than now that shouts it out. Change is inevitable in our field, which helps us be better at what we do. It requires a level of flexibility that becomes challenging and demanding. Nevertheless, we accommodate this change for the sole purpose of those individuals we serve.

When you graduated, what did you envision for your future? 

To be very frank, nothing. I knew that the profession I was going into was going to require adjustment and commitment in ways that may not necessarily favour my "ideal" future. The only thing I was focused on was working hard – the rest would come naturally.

How has your career evolved since your graduation? 

My career has evolved in miniscule ways. I can say that I lost more than I have gained, but those small wins provided big successes (in my eyes). Even losses provided a large scale of a learning opportunity. Though these statements are vague, there are many details that go in between. I appreciate where I am today and have manoeuvered my current position into something I adore and challenge on a daily basis. No position should remain stagnant. 

How would you describe a great day at work? 

This may sound generic, but every day is a great day. Whether I am learning something new, helping someone feel better, teaching someone something new, or just 'being,' I try and enjoy it all. When we positively approach the day, the result ends up being positive.

How important is mentoring in your career? 

I 'grew up' in my pharmacy school through mentors. If I didn't have 2 main professors who helped guide me through my most difficult years, I probably would not have been able to sustain my passion for international pharmacy. I recommend EVERY pharmacist have a mentor.

Was there an “aha” moment for you, when you realized the impact of the difference you’re making? 

The world of pharmacy generally has a very "aha" feel. We learn something new every day because the world of healthcare is dynamic. An 'aha' moment for me in particular was when I learned that pharmacy goes beyond the traditional paths of community and hospital. Even though I am in the community sector (which I take immense pride in), I acknowledge that there is a world outside of that which pharmacists can specialize in and tailor to. I follow many great pharma-preneurs on LinkedIn and they are role models for the non-traditional paths of pharmacy.

If you can accomplish just one thing in your career, what would it be? 

It would be to provide quality medications to individuals in rural communities of Pakistan at no charge. I have great passion for the nonprofit sector and the work that they provide to communities globally. Every individual has the right to access quality healthcare; every individual has the right to save their life – this should never be of question but it is unfortunately overlooked due to the minimally-provided resources in third-world countries.

As a dynamic leader in the profession, what continues to drive you? 

My community drives me. My community encompasses the Virginia, D.C. and Maryland area. It encompasses Pakistanis and Muslims. It encompasses everyone. So, in short, everyone drives me to do better.

How are young leaders paving the way for changes in the pharmacy profession? 

Oh! We are paving a numerous number of paths. Stay tuned!

What advice would you give to new pharmacy graduates? 

I would advise them to search beyond the means of traditional paths of pharmacy. The healthcare sector is changing with many new opportunities in stock such as pharmacogenomics and pharmacy informatics. Hospital isn't the only way to achieve clinical knowledge.


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