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Pharmpreneur of the week Jaime Acosta: "Build a strong support system within your pharmacy team."

The traditional healthcare system can be bureaucratic and slow to adapt to change. By starting my own pharmacy business, I had the autonomy to introduce novel ideas, explore emerging trends, and pioneer digital strategies that could optimize patient outcomes and customer experiences.
Jaime Acosta



Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Pharmacy, 1993 - 1998


Master in Pharmaceutical Care

Community pharmacist and pharmacy owner, Farmacia Acosta

What was your key driving force to become an entrepreneur?

As a community pharmacy owner with a keen interest in digital transformation, my key driving force to become an entrepreneur stemmed from a combination of factors. First, I had a deep passion for healthcare and a genuine desire to make a positive impact on people's lives. Being an entrepreneur allowed me to shape and deliver healthcare services in a way that aligned with my vision and values, while observing pharmacy regulations.

Second, I saw how advancements in technology could enhance patient care, improve operational efficiency, and create new opportunities for growth. This realization fueled my motivation to embrace digital transformation and leverage its benefits within the pharmacy sector.

Additionally, as an entrepreneur, I valued the freedom to innovate and implement creative solutions. The traditional healthcare system can be bureaucratic and slow to adapt to change. By starting my own pharmacy business, I had the autonomy to introduce novel ideas, explore emerging trends, and pioneer digital strategies that could optimize patient outcomes and customer experiences.


Moreover, I was driven by the desire to build a sustainable and successful business. As an entrepreneur, I had the opportunity to also contribute to the local community. I wanted to establish a pharmacy that was known for its exceptional customer service, personalized care, and technological advancements, thereby establishing a strong reputation and ensuring long-term viability.

Lastly, the prospect of continuous learning and personal growth motivated me to become an entrepreneur. Running a pharmacy business required me to acquire a diverse set of skills, from business management and financial acumen to technological expertise and marketing strategies. I embraced the challenge of acquiring knowledge in various domains and expanding my professional capabilities.

What advice would you give to colleagues who want to become entrepreneurs?

In today's rapidly evolving world, digital transformation is vital for the long-term success of any business, including community pharmacies. Embrace technology to streamline operations, enhance patient experiences, and improve efficiency. Explore digital solutions and invest in digital infrastructure and stay updated with emerging trends to remain competitive.

Place a strong emphasis on providing exceptional patient care and building meaningful relationships with your customers. Put their interest first while offering an excellent and smooth experience. Focus on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment that prioritizes patient needs and empowers them to take control of their health. 

Build a strong network of healthcare professionals, both within your local community and internationally by staying curious, seek out new knowledge, and embrace professional development opportunities. Attend conferences, workshops, and webinars, and engage in online communities to stay updated with the latest advancements in community pharmacy, technology, and healthcare trends. Be open to feedback, evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies, and be willing to adapt and pivot when necessary.

What is your advice to manage work/life balance?

Delegate responsibilities to capable team members or consider outsourcing certain tasks that can be handled externally. This allows you to free up time for important personal commitments and rejuvenation. Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. Define specific working hours and strive to adhere to them as much as possible (this is so difficult!). Evaluate opportunities and requests carefully, and consider whether they align with your priorities and values. Dedicate specific time slots for relaxation, hobbies, and self-care activities. Prioritize activities that recharge you physically and mentally, such as exercise, spending time with loved ones, pursuing personal interests, or simply enjoying moments of solitude. Treat this time as a top priority, or otherwise it will always be skipped. 

Leverage technology and automation to streamline and optimize your pharmacy operations. Implement digital solutions that can reduce administrative tasks, automate processes, and provide efficient communication channels with your team. This can help save time and allow you to allocate more energy to personal endeavours.

Build a strong support system within your pharmacy team, as well as in your personal life. Delegate responsibilities to capable team members and encourage open communication. Additionally, seek collaboration opportunities with other pharmacy owners or professionals to share knowledge, resources, and experiences, which can alleviate some of the workload and create a sense of camaraderie.


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