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From the Other Side of the Counter


  • 9/11/2024

    Showing up for the future we want

    After years of lamenting (okay, let’s be honest­—complaining about) any changes our local government makes that I don’t like, I recently went to my first community planning meeting.
  • 7/11/2024

    Can’t stop, won’t stop—don’t stop

    I have a soft spot for people who feel strongly about something they believe is right and important, and who refuse to give up the fight or be quiet about it.
  • 6/7/2024

    It’s me, hi, I’m the solution, it’s me

    An important one-day summit presented by CPhA highlighted the push to bring pharmacists into the primary care fold as a first point of contact. If the will is there, pharmacists could start doing most of this work right now.
  • 5/23/2024

    Editorial: Two simple questions

    I’m amazed that even after two decades of focusing on innovative practitioners, I continue to meet people who are launching inspiring new pharmacy career options.
  • 5/21/2024

    A real look beyond the myths of pharmacist prescribing

    Host of popular CBC series “White Coat Black Art” digs into the reality of how pharmacists in Alberta are filling healthcare gaps—and asks tough questions.
  • 5/17/2024

    Will anyone listen this time?

    A new report from an independent economic think tank calls for all provinces to allow pharmacists the full scope of practice afford to their counterparts in Alberta. Will anyone listen?
  • 4/8/2024

    The growing importance of OTCs

    How do pharmacists feel about their role as OTC advisors in 2024? Here are just a few highlights from the survey . . .
  • 3/6/2024

    Editorial: Fighting fire with passion

    It seems that every new year blows in some new firestorm for pharmacists to fight.
  • 2/28/2024

    Pharmacy responds with one voice to news of National Pharmacare deal

    With the news of the first stages of a long-anticipated National Pharmacare program, pharmacists express concern that the plan is being developed without the input of the professionals who will be most affected by it.
  • 12/5/2023

    Editorial: Let’s share the wealth

    I believe there’s a gold mine of practical wisdom in the pharmacy profession that deserves to be shared with others who are struggling to overcome practice and professional challenges.
  • 11/3/2023

    Editorial: Need a perspective refresh?

    It can be hard to find the time to stop and look around at the world outside of our own walls. What’s going on out there in the pharmacy universe? What are other folks doing in their practice that’s interesting?
  • 10/27/2023

    #Pharmageddon—only in America?

    Ongoing walkouts are finally shining a spotlight on the brutal working conditions of pharmacists at the largest U.S drugstore chains in a movement being coined #Pharmageddon. Will anything change?
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